Pages 2

iWork '06の Pages 2 が面白い。

Pages 2 は、日本語環境に対応していない...という批判(?)はよく聞くけど、なんの。横書きしかできなくてもルビが使えなくても、数式を埋め込むのが面倒でも、それでも個人の環境で便利に使える場面というのは多々ある。

ちょっと Web 見ただけでもなんとたくさんのテンプレートが無料で配布されていることか。CanonEpson のサイトにいってみると横書きでもいいんだ、ということがよく分かる。なにかを紙に印刷するのが目的であれば、工夫次第で様々なことができる。Pages 2 があれば、もう無料のテンプレートいらないや。はがきだって(横書きだけど)できるんだぞぅ。

と、少々ワケの分からないことを宣いましたが。Pages 2 から AppleScript に対応しているんですね。まだまだできないことも多いけど。

ということで Pages を AppleScript で操ってカレンダーなんかを作ってみました。いろんな部分で手を抜いていますが、Pages を持っているならぜひ、お試しください。面白いですから(なんか変なことが起きても責任は持てませんが)。

Script Editor で開く

using terms from application "Pages"
    -- for A4 size
    property paperWidth : 21.0
    property paperHeight : 29.7
    property cellWidth : 2.8
    property cellHeight : 2.4

    property topMargin : 1.0
    property bottomMargin : 1.5
    property leftMargin : 0.5
    property rightMargin : 0.5

    -- calendar cells props
    property strokeWidth : 0.15
    property strokeColor : {26214, 26214, 26214}
    property textFont : "Georgia"
    property textSize : 14.0
    property textAlignment : right

    -- weekday cells props
    property wCellWidth : cellWidth
    property wCellHeight : 1.5
    property wTextFont : "Optima-Bold"
    property wTextSize : 18.0
    property wTextAlignment : center

    -- month cells props
    property mCellWidth : cellWidth * 7
    property mCellHeight : 2.0
    property mTextFont : "Optima-ExtraBlack"
    property mTextSize : 40.0
    property mTextAlignment : center
    property mTextColor : {46003, 46003, 46003}
    property mTextTracking : 3.0

    -- other props
    property weekdayList : {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}
end using terms from

set theDate to "2006 4 1" -- for debug
set theDate to date theDate -- for debug
set theDate to current date

tell application "Pages"
    set ruler units to centimeters

    set theDocument to make new document
    tell theDocument
        set top margin to topMargin
        set bottom margin to bottomMargin
        set left margin to leftMargin
        set right margin to rightMargin

        -- 印刷可能領域の算出
        set contentsWidth to paperWidth - (right margin + left margin)
        set contentsHeight to paperHeight - (top margin + bottom margin)

        set tmp to my getCalendar(theDate)
        set dateList to {}
        repeat with thisItem in tmp
            set thisItem to contents of thisItem
            if thisItem is not {} then set end of dateList to thisItem
        end repeat

        -- カレンダーの出来上がりサイズ
        set calendarWidth to cellWidth * 7
        set calendarHeight to cellHeight * (count dateList)
        if calendarWidth is greater than contentsWidth then return

        -- 余白の算出
        set blank to contentsWidth - calendarWidth
        -- 最初のセルの開始位置
        set x to left margin + (blank / 2)
        set y to (contentsHeight - calendarHeight) + top margin

        -- カレンダーの作成
        set num to 0
        repeat with i from 1 to (count dateList)
            set currentWeek to item i of dateList
            set dayCount to count currentWeek
            repeat with j from 1 to 7
                set num to num + 1
                if j is greater than dayCount then
                    set thisItem to ""
                    set thisItem to (item j of currentWeek) as Unicode text
                end if
                set theProp to {width:cellWidth, height:cellHeight, horizontal position:x + (cellWidth * (j - 1)), vertical position:y, name:(num as Unicode text), object text:thisItem}
                set newShape to make new shape with properties theProp
                if (num mod 7) is 0 then
                    set thisColor to {0, 0, 65535}
                else if (num mod 7) is 1 then
                    set thisColor to {65535, 0, 0}
                    set thisColor to {0, 0, 0}
                end if
                tell object text of newShape
                    set color of it to thisColor
                end tell
            end repeat
            set y to y + cellHeight
        end repeat

        -- カレンダーセルの見た目の変更
        tell shapes
            set stroke width to strokeWidth
            set stroke color to strokeColor
            set wrap to none
            set fill type to none
            tell object text
                set alignment to textAlignment
                set font name to textFont
                set font size to textSize
            end tell
        end tell

        -- 曜日セルの作成
        set weekdayPosition to (vertical position of first shape) - wCellHeight
        repeat with i from 1 to 7
            set newShape to make new shape
            tell newShape
                set horizontal position to x + (wCellWidth * (i - 1))
                set vertical position to weekdayPosition
                set width to wCellWidth
                set height to wCellHeight
                set wrap to none
                set stroke type to none
                set fill type to none
                set object text to item i of weekdayList
                set alignment of object text to wTextAlignment
                set font name of object text to wTextFont
                set font size of object text to wTextSize
            end tell
        end repeat

        -- 月のセルを作成
        set monthPosition to (vertical position of last shape) - mCellHeight
        make new text box with properties {vertical position:monthPosition, height:mCellHeight, width:mCellWidth, horizontal position:x, name:"month"}

        tell text box "month"
            set thisYear to year of (theDate) as Unicode text
            set thisMonth to month of (theDate) as Unicode text
            set object text to thisMonth & space & thisYear
            set alignment of object text to mTextAlignment
            set font name of object text to mTextFont
            set font size of object text to mTextSize
            set tracking of object text to mTextTracking
            set color of object text to mTextColor
        end tell
        say "Complete."
    end tell
end tell

on getCalendar(selectedDate)
    set theList to {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}
    set numDaysInMonth to {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}

    set currentYear to year of selectedDate
    set currentMonth to month of selectedDate as number

    set day of selectedDate to 1
    set time of selectedDate to 0

    copy selectedDate to firstOfMonth
    set startOffset to weekday of firstOfMonth as number

    set daysInMonth to item currentMonth of numDaysInMonth
    if ((currentMonth is 2) and (isLeap(currentYear))) then set daysInMonth to daysInMonth + 1

    set dayLabel to 1
    set num to 0
    repeat with i from 1 to 6
        set currentWeek to item i of theList
        repeat with j from 1 to 7
            set num to num + 1
            if (num is less than startOffset) then
                set end of currentWeek to ""
            else if (num is greater than or equal to (daysInMonth + startOffset)) then
                exit repeat
                set end of currentWeek to dayLabel
                set dayLabel to dayLabel + 1
            end if
        end repeat
    end repeat
    return theList
end getCalendar

on isLeap(theYear)
    return (((theYear mod 4) is 0 and ((theYear mod 100) is not 0)) or (theYear mod 400) is 0)
end isLeap

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